GutRx Medicinal Chicken Bone Broth
- Servings -
- My Notes -

- 1 tablespoon Virgin Coconut Oil
- 2 pinch Asafoetida - gluten free
- 2 pound Chicken - bones
- 1 tablespoon Peppercorns
- 2 tablespoon White Wine Vinegar
- 2 Tomatoes - peeled, seeded, and halved
- 1.5 quart Water
- 1 medium Celeriac - root, chopped
- 1 stalk Fresh Lemon Grass - cut in half
- 2 Carrots - roughly chopped
- 5 sprig Fresh Parsley - whole sprigs of parsley
- To make the broth, in large stock pot over medium heat add 1 T coconut oil and 1-2 small pinches of Gluten Free Asafoetida. Sauté 2-3 minutes, until you smell garlic and onion.
- Then add chicken bones to stockpot with 1 1/2 quarts of cold water, or enough to cover the bones. Slowly bring to a boil, then turn down and simmer gently. Add peppercorns and 2-3 teaspoons vinegar and lemon grass.
- Cook half-covered (this will reduce water evaporation).
- Simmer chicken broth for 6-24 hours. Simmer beef or lamb broth for 12-24 hours. (12-24 hours is a good average cooking time for medicinal bone broth). Add more boiling water if necessary when simmering, in order to keep bones covered. Skim surface every half hour to remove scum - do not stir!
- Add the carrots, celeriac, parsley, tomatoes during the last 2 hours of cooking. Then strain vegetables out and store broth.
Have your butcher chop the bones up for you, so you have more surface area.
We recommend Herb Stop gluten free asafetida.
Salt isn’t added to this recipe. If you are making this recipe as a sipping broth, feel free to season it with 1 T sea salt (the whole batch). If you are going to use this as a base to a soup, then you will salt the soup when you make it.
Salt isn’t added to this recipe. If you are making this recipe as a sipping broth, feel free to season it with 1 T sea salt (the whole batch). If you are going to use this as a base to a soup, then you will salt the soup when you make it.