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Colleen Francioli is an author, blogger, recipe developer and certified nutritionist with a focus on helping people with IBS and other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs). She once suffered from IBS herself and has since found life balance with the low-FODMAP diet, an elimination diet developed in Australia, proven to help relieve symptoms of IBS.
Colleen started her blog www.FODMAPLife.com to help others with IBS learn how to choose the right foods and stress relief instead of pharma drugs. Colleen’s book The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook is available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Indiebound, GooglePlay and Walmart. It has more than 300 low-FODMAP and gluten-free recipes, plus diet basics, tips, menu plans as well as low- and high-FODMAP lists. You can also find more digestive and nutritional resources on her parent site, www.BonCalme.com.
As a two-time award-winning digital marketing strategist, Colleen has been working for healthcare and wellness companies as well as natural food brands for several years. She always enjoys finding new, healthy products and engaging with companies and brands that look to make a difference in the health of others.